Instilling enjoyment, competition and camaraderie
Sport plays a significant role here at St Andrew’s Prep. Our aim is to promote enjoyment and an understanding of the values and ideals of good sportsmanship and commitment that are the essence of team sports.
Children are offered, through a wide range of sporting activities, the opportunity to extend and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding gained through PE and Games in the school curriculum. They also have the opportunity to experience new sports or the chance to pursue activities to a greater depth.
‘Sport for All’
Children are able to experience a variety of challenges via a ‘sport for all’ policy gained through House competitions in all the major sports as well as athletics, cross-country and swimming, public performances (i.e. display, dance or gymnastics) or individual activities with self-challenging aims; such as golf, shooting or outdoor pursuits.
Our Sporting Aims at St Andrew’s Prep
- Enjoy play
- Develop confidence and competence in physical skills
- Recognise the benefits of a healthy lifestyle
- Engage in individual and team games and activities of a recreational and competitive nature according to their level of experience and ability
- Appreciate the importance of fair play and understand the rules of competitive sport
- Recognise and appreciate the levels of skill demonstrated by their peers and opponents
- Have the opportunity to further friendships with team mates and develop relationships with members of the opposition, particularly when hosting visiting schools on match days
- Learn to cope responsibly with success and failure
- Recognise their own strengths and weaknesses and become aware of the types of sport/activity they are likely to enjoy
- Recognise the importance of the creative use of leisure time
We aim to create an opportunity for each child to develop their skills through appropriate and challenging lessons and progressions. Our pupils spend a large part of their week involved in sport, so it is vital that it is an enjoyable experience for everyone regardless of sporting ability.
In Years 3 to 8 the children have one PE lesson, two Games lessons plus afternoon fixtures and a swimming lesson (Yr 3-6) each week. In addition, children also have the option to sign up for early morning training sessions, lunchtime co-curricular sessions and after school activities. Click here to see the full list of Club Options available this term.
We have experienced and knowledgeable teachers who have performed and coached at a high level and who are able to communicate with pupils of all levels of ability. We also have links and support with the specialist coaches from Eastbourne College.
The school plays over 600 fixtures a year in various sports – we also have a hotly contested House Sports programme which includes all the major sports, cross-country, swimming and our all-inclusive Sports Day. This element of our Sports programme is a major feature within the life of our school. It is not only the sport, but the healthy rivalry that exists between us and our competitors’ which excites and inspires our boys and girls to perform at their very best regardless of their ability.
We pride ourselves on giving each and every pupil the opportunity to represent the school in some form of sport. We take part in Netball, Hockey, Rounders, Cricket, Football, Rugby, Swimming, Tennis, Athletics, Cross-Country, Table–Tennis, Shooting and Golf and in a variety of competitions and tournaments.
Click here to view some of our recent sporting successes.