
Inspection Reports


In December 2024, we welcomed a team from ISI for a routine inspection. We were delighted that they identified so many positive aspects of our school.

Since the introduction of ISI’s new inspection framework in September 2023, their reports no longer use qualitative descriptors in relation to their findings. Instead, the report confirms whether or not ISI’s exacting standards are met and provides commentary on their findings. St Andrew’s Prep met all standards in this inspection.

Here we share some of their comments that capture the strength and ethos of a St Andrew’s Prep education.


  • Teachers have knowledge of individual pupils’ needs and have positive relationships with them
  • Pupils are motivated to achieve well, make typically good progress and attain well
  • Pupils are confident to ask questions and engage in meaningful discussions to deepen their learning
  • Pupils in years 7 and 8 are particularly well-prepared for the next steps in their education
  • The curriculum is enhanced through a wide range of activities which enrich pupils’ learning and personal development
  • Pupils develop sporting and teamwork skills in physical activities and creative and aesthetic skills through art, dance and drama clubs


  • Leaders are proactive and aspirational in promoting pupils’ physical, mental and emotional well-being
  • This support has a very positive impact on pupils’ self-esteem and self-confidence and is a significant strength
  • Pupils across the school are taught about the importance of kindness and the need to be respectful to all
  • The curriculum plans a range of opportunities for pupils to develop their social skills
  • Pupils behave well as a result of the active promotion of the school’s values throughout the school day.

Click the button below for the full report.

December 2024 ISI Inspection Report 

Previous ISI Inspection Reports

June 2021 Regulatory Compliance and Educational Quality ISI Inspection Report

Feb 2018 ISI Compliance and Early Years (0-2) Inspection Report 

Mar 2015 ISI Inspection Report


An Ofsted Inspection took place at St Andrew’s Prep Nursery in January 2023.

In summary, we are very proud that we rated as ‘good’ with many positive comments. Please read our most recent Ofsted Inspection report below.

January 2023 Ofsted Inspection Report

'Leaders provide additional training for staff and support for parents and pupils so that they can promote and support pupils’ mental health and emotional well-being very well. This support has a very positive impact on pupils’ self-esteem and self-confidence in lessons and in other aspects of school life and is a significant strength of the school.'
ISI Inspection, December 2024