
Registration and Fees

Become part of the St Andrew’s Prep family

The first part of the St Andrew’s Prep admissions process is to complete and return a registration form with a registration fee of £180. Receipt of a registration form reserves a place for your child subject to availability.  For convenience, registration can be completed online below and the fee paid electronically or the form can be printed off and sent back.  Registering a child does not constitute any parental commitment to taking up a place.

One year before entry, parents will be asked to pay a deposit which ranges from £500 (for a nursery place) to £13,000 (for a boarding place for children whose parents are not resident in the UK). Receipt of a deposit secures the place for your child. Deposits are held until a child leaves the school and are credited to the final bill.

Basic fee scale 2024-25

Following new government guidance, we can now confirm fee arrangements for the rest of the academic year. From 1 January 2025, the termly fees will be subject to VAT.

For those parents who paid into the fees-in-advance scheme prior to 29 July 2024, and for whom education will remain an exempt supply, where the balance in the scheme is equal to or exceeds the fee payable for the term, the fee will remain unchanged (Please see termly fee without VAT column below).

For all other parents, who will be impacted by VAT, the school has applied a discount to the baseline fee for the Lent and Summer term, to reduce the impact of this change mid-academic year to 14%. (Please see termly fee with VAT column below).



Termly fee without VAT

Termly fee with VAT




Year 1-2



Year 3



Year 4



Year 5-6



Year 7-8



Year 3-8 Weekly Boarding 



Year 3-8 Full Boarding 




Nursery Scale of Charges 


Terms and Conditions 

Examples of extras

The above fees are for basic tuition. We try to keep additional costs to a minimum.  Listed below are examples of the extras that you might expect to pay:

  • Individual music, learning support and extra English lessons.
  • School uniform which is available online from the school’s suppliers.
  • School trips as part of the curriculum are inclusive of fees with the exception of larger scale trips such as the Year 6 trip to France or the Year 8 post exam trip.
  • School photographs, which are optional.
  • Transport. St Andrew’s Prep offers a comprehensive minibus service for children from Reception age.  
  • After-school activities in the Pre-Prep run from 3.30pm to 4.15pm and the majority are free of charge, unless stated otherwise.
  • After-school care in the Pre-Prep commences from 4.30pm and runs until 6pm.  It includes a light tea and the cost is £12.50.
  • Some optional after school activities and supper in the Prep school are chargeable and run from 4.10pm to 6.45pm.  

Short term stays

St Andrew’s Prep accepts children, day or boarding, in Years 3 to 7, for a minimum stay of half a term. Children in Year 8 must stay for a whole term as a minimum. We offer a short term package which includes boarding accommodation, basic tuition fees and extra English lessons. Please download the short term packages for day and boarding pupils by clicking on the links below.

Packages for Short Stays 2024-25 Day

Packages for Short Stays 2024-25 Boarding 

For more information, please contact Catherina Ashford, the Registrar, on 01323 744820 or by clicking below.

Contact Admissions