Summer Term: Week 10
Year 3 Greek Day
Year 3 Greek Day
Year 3 Greek Day
Year 3 Greek Day
Year 3 Greek Day
Year 4 Invaders Day saw the children playing Invaders Top Trumps and making mosaic vases.
Year 4 Invaders Day saw the children playing Invaders Top Trumps and making mosaic vases.
Year 4 Invaders Day saw the children playing Invaders Top Trumps and making mosaic vases.
Year 4 Invaders Day saw the children playing Invaders Top Trumps and making mosaic vases.
Year 4 Invaders Day saw the children playing Invaders Top Trumps and making mosaic vases.
Chaffinch class - Charlie, Zachary and Grace made sea creatures collages
Chaffinch class - Phoebe made Choc Chip fairy cakes in Cheeky Chefs
8CS held a fantastic 'hero' balloon debate during one of their lessons in the library and well done to Daniel who persuaded the judges to save Bear Grylls from being thrown out of the balloon.
8CS held a fantastic 'hero' balloon debate during one of their lessons in the library and well done to Daniel who persuaded the judges to save Bear Grylls from being thrown out of the balloon.
Beach School Art by Year 4
Year 2 busy drawing something very important... shh
Year 2 drawing a special something
Nursery sports day had to take place inside due to the weather but they children had terrific fun.
Nursery sports day had to take place inside due to the weather but they children had terrific fun.
Nursery sports day had to take place inside due to the weather but they children had terrific fun.
Nursery sports day had to take place inside due to the weather but they children had terrific fun.
Nursery sports day had to take place inside due to the weather but they children had terrific fun.
Nursery sports day had to take place inside due to the weather but they children had terrific fun.
Nursery and Pre-Prep Summer Concert
Nursery and Pre-Prep Summer Concert
Nursery and Pre-Prep Summer Concert
Nursery and Pre-Prep Summer Concert
Pre-Prep Sports Day
Pre-Prep Sports Day
Pre-Prep Sports Day
Pre-Prep Sports Day
Pre-Prep Sports Day
Pre-Prep Sports Day
Pre-Prep Sports Day
Pre-Prep Sports Day
Pre-Prep Sports Day
Year 8 at Bewl Water
Year 8 at Bewl Water
Year 8 at Bewl Water
Year 8 at Bewl Water
Year 8 at Bewl Water
Year 8 at Blackland Farm
Year 8 at Blackland Farm