Lent Term: Week 2
Working hard in Reception
Reception exploring 'people who help us' in the hospital role play.
Reception explored different ways to make 7.
Reading to my friends in Year 1.
Mr Joshua came to speak to the Year 1 children about looking after their teeth.
Year 1 Science lesson studying natural materials and textures.
Year 2 loved their trip to the beach to investigate living and non-living things.
Year 3 explored and sorted rocks by their characteristics in Science.
Year 3 with their final lunar rovers.
Year 3 wrote instructions in English on how to make toast.
Juniors enjoyed board games after school.
Year 5 art.
Year 7 DTI.
The Scholars recital. Amazing!
U13 A played in the Hurst Netball Tournament this week.
The Drama and Performing Arts scholars at the premiere of Disney’s Newsies yesterday at the Troubadour Park Theatre, Wembley.
Prefect Team.