Spring Term: Week 10
Lottie from Year 5 in the egg and spoon race
Georgina in Year 5 in the egg and spoon race earlier today
Year 3 - Ben checked out the clues for the picture scavenger hunt
Year 3 boys had their scavenger hunt clues at the ready
Forest school fun
Amelia in Kingfisher was very proud of her Easter egg nest
Daphne and Willow in Kingfisher were very impressed with their pretend beanstalk
Girls' cricket in the sports hall
Harvey and George from Year 2 with the Easter eggs they found
Matilda and Lucia from Nightingale painted beautiful still life pictures
Sian and Hugo from Sparrow class at story time
The Chaffinch children decorated their Easter nests with Smarties
The Robins painted murals
The Year 5 team in the General Knowledge Quiz Challenge
The Year 6 team in the General Knowledge Quiz challenge
Year 1 Easter creating Easter scenes
Year 1 experimented with different bubble mixtures
Year 1 played bingo with their spelling words
Year 2 in their gym class
Year 2 with their Easter egg haul
Year 5 DTI - Caitlin and Freyja used their knowledge of triangulation to design and make their own bridge
Year 6 - Latin play project
Year 7 DTI - Barney used intricate sewing skills to sew his conductive thread and design onto his pencil case
Year 7 DTI - Darcie attached the conductive thread to the LEDs
Year 7 DTI - Will used the sewing machine to sew the design onto his pencil case
Year 7 playing four square in PE
Year 3 cross stitch