Summer Term: Week 11
The Summer Fayre
The Summer Fayre
The Summer Fayre
The Summer Fayre
The Summer Fayre
The Summer Fayre
The Summer Fayre
The Summer Fayre
Thanks to Cheers Mate for their quite excellent livestream of our Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports Day
Ready, Get Set, Go!
Sports Day
The Juniors setting off on their race
Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports Day
Mr and Mrs Jones commentating at Sports Day
Sea Kings winners
Year 7 - mini tool box project - children also learned about tesselation and types of woods
Year 7 - mini tool box project - children also learned about tesselation and types of woods
Year 5 Charles Rennie Macintosh-inspired clocks design on the computer and then laser cut
Year 7 made shoe box memorials to Mary I as part of their history bridge curriculum
Year 7 made shoe box memorials to Mary I as part of their history bridge curriculum
Year 7 made shoe box memorials to Mary I as part of their history bridge curriculum
Year 3 - Tom and Clark with their work
Year 3 - Katie and Emily with their work
Year 3 - Felicity, Saskia and Kiana with their work
Year 2's moving up to Year 3 day
Year 2's moving up to Year 3 day
The boarders' trip to Hastings seafront mini golf
The Year 8 Leavers Ball
The Year 8 Leavers Ball
The Year 8 Leavers Ball
The Year 8 Leavers Ball
The Year 8 Leavers Ball
The Secret Farewell and Thank you Event for Mr and Mrs Jones
Mr Shouksmith pays tribute to Mr and Mrs Jones for all they have done for St Andrew's Prep over the last six years
Mr Jones thanks the children, staff and parents watching the surprise thank you and farewell event
Juniors prize giving
Thank you and goodbye Mr Jones