Summer Term: Week 3
Maths Week in Nursery
Nursery fun in the park
Kingfishers took their library session outside into the sunshine
Chaffinch made flags for the Coronation party
Bath time for the dinosaurs
Reception made sand pancakes in the outdoor kitchen
Year 2 visited a care home as part of their Intergenerational Opera activity
Year 2 collected nettles in Forest School and made soup
Year 2 explored the different types of herbs
Year 2 Forest School trip to Friston Forest
Year 3 planted sunflowers and tomatoes in Science and are keeping a diary to monitor their growth
Year 6 completed their mood lights, which they designed, soldered and laser cut
Year 6 arrived at their chateau in Normandy
Year 6 visited William the Conqueror's Castle
Year 6 at the British War Cemetery
Year 6 at the Festyland theme park
After a visit to Pegasus Bridge and a local market, Year 6 had their own King’s Coronation celebration at a local Patisserie
Eleanor, Scarlett and Bethany represented Eastbourne Cricket Womens 1st team. Eleanor was top scorer for the team. Congratulations all.
The boarders enjoyed a walk on the Downs
Celebrating the King's Coronation