Summer Term: Week 4
We are lucky to be so beautifully positioned here on the South Coast, nestled at the foot of the Downs
Story time for Year 3 with Mrs Garrett
The boarders and some members of staff walked to Birling Gap last Sunday
The boarders with Miss Lozano and Lobster
A spot of yoga over the exeat weekend for our boarders
Kingfisher class - Freddie painted patterns for his butterfly
Year 2 made an insect playground
Year 2 went looking for invertebrates
Year 1's clay cup cakes
A rainbow appeared as the Year 7 children were at the hockey summer sixes activity on Tuesday
Sian, Rose and Isobel from Sparrows did some painting
Nightingales - Lucia, Parisa and Chloe's puffy paint picutres
Nightingale class - Alex and Parisa did puffy paintings
To celebrate VE day, Year 3 designed their own medals to remember the veterans who fought in World War II
7 set 1 puzzled for Number Day
A rainbow appeared as the Year 7 children were at the hockey summer sixes activity on Tuesday
7 set 1 puzzled for Number Day
Year 5's folk art clay birds
7 set 1 puzzled for Number Day
Chaffinch class - Zachary, Charlie, Quinlan, Noah and Phoebe played the 'honey bear' guessing game
A yummy Fusciardi's ice cream for our boarders over exeat
Golf at Lottbridge Drove driving range for our boarders who stayed at school over exeat
Fish and chips for the boarders on the beach at Birling Gap over exeat weekend
The U12A and U12B girls cricket teams went away to Brighton Prep and came home with two strong wins
Happy boarders
The boarders loved playing tennis with the aid of Lobster
Year 7 have been studying the mechanicals from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Year 7 have been studying the mechanicals from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Year 7 have been studying the mechanicals from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream