From Nursery to Pre-Prep
A seamless transition
At St Andrew’s Prep Nursery, we recognise that change can be a little daunting for young children, staff therefore prepare children to ensure a seamless transition between the different Nursery classes, from Nursery to the Reception class and beyond.
We are in a unique position in that the pre-school class and Reception class are in the same building, thus providing excellent connections and continuity for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Throughout the year, the children in Kingfisher class have close links with the Reception class and with teachers in the Pre-Prep department. The children have the opportunity to join the Pre-Prep for assemblies twice a week. The children join Pre-Prep children for a number of activity days, for example, Woodland classroom sessions. They also take part in a number of concerts, events and themed weeks including Arts Week, Maths Week and Science Week.
The children use the same facilities as the older children, including the Resources room, Library, ICT suite, Sports Hall, Dance Studio and the Woodland Classroom. A specialist lesson timetable allows them to become familiar with the teachers who will be teaching them in Reception and beyond at St Andrew’s Prep.
The Reception class teacher meets regularly with Nursery staff. They share assessment data as well as personal information about a child’s likes, dislikes, etc. Nursery staff produce a comprehensive report on every child starting school to enable their Reception teacher to have a good understanding of every child starting with them in Reception. This will include their interests, strengths and level of understanding and development in key areas and this supports continuity of care and early learning.
Pre-School children have an opportunity to spend a formal morning ‘Moving Up’ to their new class during the Summer term. As they are in the same building, it is just a question of crossing the corridor to start their new adventure.
The parents of children starting in Reception are invited to join current Reception parents for an informal coffee morning at the start of the Summer term. A Parents’ Information afternoon is held in the first week of the Autumn term to reflect on the transition process, to provide information about the EYFS curriculum and profile and to address concerns or questions.
By the time a child’s Reception year commences they have already built close relationships with their peer group and with their new teachers, making that final transition into Pre-Prep seamless. Staff are mindful that some children will move to a different school after our Nursery and ensure that these children are equally well prepared and equipped to start in their new setting.

In their final nursery year, children join the Pre-Prep for assemblies every week.