Pandemic Doesn’t Thwart Speech Day
Despite government guidelines, St Andrew’s Prep Speech day was able to go ahead this year with children from Years 5 to 8 attending safely together, but apart. The school created a sense of occasion by livestreaming the morning using a special platform which showed whole year group bubbles seated together in the largest rooms within the school with giant screens, cameras, microphones and speakers set up in each room. Technically challenging it might have been but, importantly, it enabled everyone on-site and at home to join together to see all the speeches and prize-giving interlinked and taking place in real time across each room.
In addition to the prize-giving ceremony, the event also included speeches from the Headmaster, Gareth Jones; the Chair of Governors, Philip Broadley; the Chair of IAPS, Andrew Nott and reflections from the 2020-2021 Head Boy and Head Girls. Also included was a photo compilation for the academic year, musical performances by the Year 6 Chamber Choir and the Year 7 and 8 Production Group and a reading by Jeanette Adams.
The event was also a poignant farewell to Mr Jones who leaves St Andrew’s Prep for his new role as Headmaster of Bilton Grange in September. We wish him the best of luck at his new school.

St Andrew’s School Speech Day 2021