A School Day
Busy, purposeful days
The teachers at St Andrew’s Prep plan every day carefully to ensure that each child is engaged, learning, thriving and enjoying school.
For parents who need to drop their child off early, pupils from Year 1 and above may come to school from 7.30am and attend the Early Morning Drop-Off club. Pupils can come to their classroom from 8.00am. Children arriving by minibus, are brought to their classrooms by a member of staff.
On arrival in the classroom, there are a range of activities for the children to complete including English and Maths challenges, reading and extra handwriting practice. Registration is at 8.40am after which the children attend assembly. On Mondays, Tuesdays (Headmaster’s Assembly) and Thursdays (Celebration Assembly) assembly is in the Close Hall. On Wednesdays, the Reception class and the Pre-School children join forces for their EYFS Assembly while Years 1 and Year 2 join the Junior Department for an assembly in the School Chapel. Fridays is hymn practice!

Morning lessons
Lesson begin at 9.00am and finish at 11.45am. Mathematics and English are taught each morning and the children have a 25 minute break at 10.15am for a healthy snack and drink and run around in their beautiful play area with scramble nets, balance logs, water play and outdoor musical instruments.
Lunch is freshly prepared on site with a wide ranging menu. The children have their lunch in the dining room with their friends while the Prep School children are still busy working in their classrooms. At 1.00pm the children go out again for their lunchtime play.
Afternoon lessons
The Foundation subjects, such as Science, Geography, History and Computing are taught in the afternoon from 1.25pm to 3.30pm and there is a weekly trip to our Woodlands Classroom. Lessons taught by specialist teachers, including PE, Games, Swimming, Music and Drama, Dance and French are also taught throughout the week.
The Pre-Prep school day finishes at 3.30pm though children often attend our after school clubs. Dependant on the term, these include Busy Builders, Busy Butterflies, Computing, Drama, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Martial Arts, Multi-Skills, Music, Netball and Tennis.
The clubs finish at 4.15pm with the exception of Tennis. The first Tennis group finishes at 4.15pm, the second at 4.45pm.
Tennis and Martial Arts incur a small extra cost while all the other clubs are included in the school fees.
If parents are not be able to collect their child at the end of a club, they may book their child in for supper and childcare until 6.00pm for a small cost.