Breadth and balance are just two features of a St Andrew’s education.
Through the broad curriculum on offer, we create a strong blend of academic, artistic, dramatic, musical and sporting experiences for all children.
In Years 3 and 4 children are taught in their classes for English, Science, History, Geography, PSHE and RPW (Religion, Philosophy and World Views) with specialist teachers taking them for Art, Computing, Design Technology, French, Music, PE, Swimming and Games. They are taught Maths in sets based on ability from Year 3 upwards. Children have a small amount of Maths and English homework.
Children in Year 5 to Year 8 have a Tutor who will see them at the start of each day, at several other times during the week and will be their first point of contact.
In Year 5, the level of independence increases as the children move around the school more. The majority of lessons are taught by subject specialist teachers and they begin Latin and Drama lessons. For children whose first language is not English, they may attend specialist EAL lessons instead of studying a language to support their access to the curriculum. It is at this point that their prep expectations increase incrementally, and children can either choose to do their prep during the activity sessions or to complete it at home.
From Year 7 upwards, children are set by ability for their examined subjects and other subjects may be taught in these sets or in their tutor groups, but this varies from year to year. In Year 8 Geography, History and RPW are taught according to their English sets. Predominantly, the non-examined subjects are taught in mixed ability groups throughout the school.
Another change for the Senior years at St Andrew’s is the curriculum structure. St Andrew’s Prep moved away from Common Entrance in favour of The Bridge Curriculum – an exciting initiative which combines the best of Common Entrance, the National Curriculum and other programmes of study, to create a pathway of learning that is exciting, dynamic and effective in preparing pupils for senior school and beyond. It is through this route that the majority of Androvians will access senior school. For further information on The Bridge Curriculum structure, please click here: (link to the bridge section or the downloadable PDF)
For more information about The Bridge Curriculum, you can download a document here