Making problem-solving fun
In Mathematics we aim to provide an environment in which children develop confidence in and enjoyment of the subject. Key facts such as number bonds and tables are learnt thoroughly, and basic numeracy is consolidated and tested alongside the development of problem-solving and practical Maths skills. Learning is developed using practical equipment as children make the move from concrete to pictorial and then abstract learning.
There are opportunities from an early age for handling and interpreting data, reinforcing basic skills and, at a later stage, exploring basic geometry. Permeating all these strands is a development of problem solving skills, enabling children to think for themselves about how they might use their mathematical knowledge to work out a solution so that they learn to see the value of maths in the wider world. Children can take part in a variety of individual and team challenges, both at St Andrew’s and at other schools and we celebrate a Maths Week each year with competitions, daily challenges and lunchtime activities.
In all areas of the subject we aim to expose children to a variety of different methods of calculation so that they can select the one which they find the easiest to use. It is important to learn that there is not just one correct method but a selection which might be more appropriate at different times. Children are grouped according to ability from Year 4. They are taught by their class teachers up to and including Year 4 after which they have lessons with specialist maths teachers.
Year 3 children work with Year 6 Maths Buddies during form time each day to support the learning of their times tables, ably supported by Year 8 prefects, many of whom have been former Maths Buddies. Children in Years 2-4 work towards attaining their Bronze, Silver and Gold awards, before attaining the Platinum Badge of honour, showing complete mastery of their times tables. Problem-Solving activity sessions are on offer for Years 5-8 as part of the co-curricular programme and drop-in catch up and booster sessions are offered during two morning breaktimes.