Children have many opportunities to enrich their personal experience and learning.
Developing an appetite for learning
In the Junior Department, our aim is for smiling faces. We offer a dynamic and caring learning environment where we nurture confident, happy children with an appetite for learning.
In Year 3 and Year 4, the Form Teacher continues to be the key person in each child’s life, teaching the main academic subjects and being responsible for their overall pastoral care. At the same time, the pupils’ confidence is enhanced as they move around the school for some other lessons, enjoying a busy day and following a very broad curriculum. The wide range of curriculum subjects offered in Pre-Prep is expanded upon with specialist teaching in subjects including Art, DTI, French, ICT, Music, PE, Swimming and Games.
In all subjects, children are suitably challenged or supported according to their individual needs. Pupils are taught in mixed ability classes, and weekly homework tasks in Maths and spelling are set with the continuing expectation that pupils read each night.
Children in Year 3 and Year 4 are provided with many opportunities to develop self-confidence. They enrich their personal experience and learning opportunities through a varied programme which includes Beach School. Pupils are introduced to a variety of musical instruments and all children join the Junior Choir. In addition, instrumental tuition from a team of talented peripatetic music teachers can be arranged.
We value parental feedback and work in partnership with them to achieve each child’s potential.
Children have many opportunities to enrich their personal experience and learning.