Nick Brown

What is your earliest memory of life at St Andrew’s Prep?
Playing the recorder (awfully) during class in Transition. This was the peak of my musical career.
What stands out most from your time at St Andrew’s Prep?
Fierce and often injury-inducing square asphalt football - played with a tennis ball before school started and then during every possible break time throughout the day. I can now understand my parents’ frustration at my passion for this game – our shoe budget must have been horrific. Also, constantly being told not to run on the pink path – and constantly forgetting this rule anytime I found myself on it!
Was there a teacher who was inspirational?
There were many, but one that stands out – Jan Hafernik. He made lessons a lot of fun and didn’t accept excuses to sit out activities!
Do you still keep in touch with fellow Androvians?
A few, yes – but having left the UK shortly after my secondary education for a gap year, and returning 14 years later, I must admit I have lost touch with most.
How did St Andrew’s shape your future life?
In ways I did not appreciate at the time, being at St Andrew’s with the wonderful grounds and proximity to the beach, we got to spend a lot of time outdoors – in lessons, play time and of course playing sport. We were encouraged to act as members and leaders of teams and subconsciously taught valuable life lessons. To this day, I have remained a lover of sport and all things ‘outdoors’ and have benefited from learning how to be a team player at such an early age. There was also a strong emphasis on both discipline and reward, each of which were handed out only when truly deserved, which helped to instil a strong work ethic. These lessons have also stayed with me.
Is the school different or the same as it was in your day?
Aesthetically it looks very much the same and it is great to see the grounds and facilities kept in such good condition. The new sports hall is a fantastic addition. Away from the simple aesthetics, the school still has an inviting feel and continues to play an important role in the community. The importance of fostering the pursuit of both academic and extra-curricular activities is evident and the culture appears to remain entirely pupil-centric – I am confident that pupils of today leave with a thoroughly well-rounded education, which is essential in a world that is constantly evolving.