

When did you start at St Andrew’s?

I started at The Lodge Nursery in January 2019 (on Mummy's birthday), when I was nine months old. I joined Pre-Prep when I started Reception in September 2022.

What is your earliest memory of the school?

When I was Joseph in the Nativity whilst I was in Reception. I enjoyed the Three Kings giving their gifts to us.

What do you look forward to most each day?

Playing on the field with my friends.

How have your friends played a part in your life at St Andrew’s?

We look after each other and we take each other to Matron if someone gets hurt.

What new skills have you developed?

I have learnt new ways to answer problems in maths. I have also learnt how to play new sports, like tennis, netball, martial arts and rugby.

Do you have a particular ambition for the future, if so what?

I want to go to Eastbourne College and be in Reeves like my Daddy. I also want to be a footballer and play for Manchester City.

What do you love most about the school?

That everybody is kind to me and I have lots of fun.
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